// Assalamualaikum //
Bonjour Fellas , I’m Shafiqah♥. as the creator of this annoying blog . Breath since 26 November 1997 .
Addicted to Cartoons , likes: reading al quran , blog walking , photography and hearing heart beat .
I don’t like getting people’s expectation to be high cause in the end, I don’t get what they want me to be .
I Still love to tweet post , Somehow I am quite attracted to sharp knives ..
Hari Sabtu haritu ika buad twitter , baru je buad dah ada 140 followers ke atas [ hari pertama ]
Hari kedua pulak ika dah ada 441 Followers , aisshh ?? hairan lah , cepatnya , tweet ika baru ada dalah 3 ratus lebih ..ika follow pun tak ramai , tapi sekarang nie ika follow orang orang yang berkenaan je :{
Sorry bukan sombong tapi tak suka lah :/ tengok lah pada mood ika .
Muslim. A 14 year old girl who started webdesigning when she was 13. Her real name is Nur Shafiqah Binti Rosli, but her friends call her Shafiqah. You can call her Shafiqah or whatever you feel better with .
Loves ♥:
Pray, read al-quran Web/graphic designing, hanging out with my friends, watching good movies, taking pictures, computer, music, the color purple, gray and pink, drawing, spending time looking at graphics at deviantart and reading (Dan Brown, Stephenie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, etc).
Hates ♪:
Mustard colors, selfish people, haters, copycats, stealers, Justin Bieber, drama movies (they're all the same thing), when someone tries to take a picture of me (I always look strange in pictures).
Exchange Links?
facebook | Please don't add me if you don't know me :')
Hari Sabtu haritu ika buad twitter , baru je buad dah ada 140 followers ke atas [ hari pertama ]
Hari kedua pulak ika dah ada 441 Followers , aisshh ?? hairan lah , cepatnya , tweet ika baru ada dalah 3 ratus lebih ..ika follow pun tak ramai , tapi sekarang nie ika follow orang orang yang berkenaan je :{
Sorry bukan sombong tapi tak suka lah :/ tengok lah pada mood ika .